
Hello! I'm Prabhakar Yadav, a software engineer, dedicated to developing high-quality software solutions that enhance user experiences with precision and finesse.

Technical Skills

My Projects

LocalFluence is User-friendly platform for businesses and influencers. Facilitates finding local influencers, tracking campaigns, and enabling influencers to monetize their reach.
CodeGeekCentral is a JAMstack-powered platform, empowers users to share their thoughts, explore exciting content, and engage with the community. Whether you're a seasoned writer or an avid reader, CodeGeekCentral is your go-to destination for all things blogs.
CraftHaven is your one-stop online shopping destination, offering a wide range of high-quality products from various categories. From fashion and electronics to home decor and more, we have something for everyone.
Challenge your memory with the Pokemon Memory Game, a fun and interactive web-based game built using React. Flip over the cards, don't click on the same card twice and test your memory skills. The game features multiple levels, a scoring system, and a modal to show your progress.
Mini Message Board is a lightweight and easy-to-use messaging application that allows users to post and view messages. Whether you want to leave a quick note or have a conversation, our app makes it simple and straightforward.
SQL Query App is a user-friendly web-based application that enables users to input SQL queries and view the query results displayed in a convenient table format


Get in Touch

I'm thrilled to connect and collaborate with fellow enthusiasts, clients, and like-minded individuals. If you have any questions about my work, want to discuss potential projects, or simply want to say hello, don't hesitate to reach out! I'm always eager to engage in exciting opportunities and explore new horizons in web development.

My Address

Greater Noida, India